Aldalome Lohst
About Me
"Hi! My name is Aldalome (Al-dah-low-may) Lohst, but you can call me Alda! I'm a court at the Afterglow bathhouse and as a court I'm here to satisfy your every desire, and I can do almost anything you'd like from me. I have knowledge and am into a good number of kinks and any that I don't know well, I'm open to research and trying new things! My top 5 favorites I'd say are bdsm, exhibitionism, kissing, being completely dominated, and oral. I may be small, but don't worry about breaking me, I'm built sturdy and love the pain you give me. <3"
"I am from the Azim Steppe in the far east, and am an extremely rare variant of Au'ra that is much more avian like. I love decorating nice little cozy spaces, writing stories, thinking up new ideas for characters and playing Bunkers and Behemoths! I'm a bit socially awkward but get me talking about my stories or characters and I'll be quite the songbird. My favorite food is shrimp alfredo, my favorite drink is chocolate milk and my favorite liquor is sweet tea vodka. I love most kinds of music and use it for inspiration in my stories."
Who am I?
Nickname- Alda
Pronouns- She/Her
Sexual Orientation- Pansexual
Relationship Status- Lovingly Caged
Rp Style- Adaptive, 2-3 lines
Role Preference- Submissive (Switch)

Prices (per hour)
Private SFW Snuggles: 500k
Private SFW Session: 650kPublic NSFW Stage-Dance: 600k
Private NSFW Lap Dance: 800k
Private NSFW Session: 1 mil
Full-Night Buyouts: 6 milAfter Hours Private NSFW Session: 1.5m

"Aldalome Losht. Born a bastard child of the Azim Steppe, a Raen born into the tribes of Xaela. On top of that, a genetic anomaly; she being born with feathers and wings as opposed to horns and a scaled tail. Alda was also found to have been born aspected with aether leaning stronger on the umbral end. Due to all these circumstances, the tribes believed her to be a blessing sent, born of Azim and Nhaama; and began to worship her as the true queen of the Steppe, a child goddess.Her rule was never a public one, as she was taken and locked away below the Dawn Throne, the tribes desperate to keep her safe from any that may bring the child of their deities harm. For 20 long years she was kept locked away, ostensibly for her own safety; and for 15 of those years she trained her body and did all she could to weaken the bars on the window leading to her longed for freedom.On one fateful night by the light of the full moon, she was finally ready, putting one last bit of pressure on the bars and breaking free of her cage, the small bird escaping into the night and making her way off the Steppe, stowing away on a boat bound to Eorzea.Upon arrival in her new country, she was directed to the Adventurer's Guild in the Drowning Wench Tavern. Her story as the Warrior of Light had begun, her world opening up and ready for her to explore. Alda encountered many a challenge in her adventures, through trials and tribulations, facing down gods, machines and those inbetween, her life was never dull, but she found herself wanting... wanting something more, new, different. A restless feeling she'd had before but put it out of her mind so many times before. Eventually, she could deny her desires no longer, finding a poster that caught her eye and went off to search out another job at the bathhouse known as Afterglow. It was there that she finally found what she had truly desired, receiving and giving pleasure, as a courtesan of the night."
she leans in slowly, her eyes locked in a passionate gaze with yours. Alda could feel her heart beating out of her chest, her face flush red, the excitement flooding her body as her lips inch closer and closer to yours. As her soft lips press into yours, she wraps her arms around you gently, savoring the sweet moment before she slowly pulls away "I adore you master..~ I want you to know how much I care for you.. please, allow me to be yours.. even if only for the night..~"